They Say…

By | December 2, 2005

… that law school changes a person. Students come in as idealists but leave as skeptics and legal realists. Once one learns about the system, one sees law as simply a tool for prediction and manipulation in the struggle for power. I hope and pray that law school won’t impact me negatively; but that I will strive for its noble uses, such as reconciliation and justice. (While realizing that perfect justice is impossible in this world and that true peace can only be found when one is at peace with God.)

I also hope that:
– I would be inquisitive and thoughtful- not skeptical of all knowledge and truth in general. There is such a thing as “truth” and it is embodied in Jesus Christ.
– I would be able to empathize/sympathize with those in suffering.
– I would hate injustice and sin all the more.
– I won’t become more argumentative for the sake of arguing. Laywers love to argue. Instead, I need to encourage my own thoughts and the thoughts of others to be captive to Christ.

We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. – 2 Corinthians 10:5