Category Archives: Book Review

A Book Review of “Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse,” Edited by Chris Moles

Chris Moles, a pastor and abuse counselor has a new book out to encourage church leaders and counselors to properly address and confront domestic abuse in their churches. His book, Caring for Families Caught in Domestic Abuse: A Guide toward Protection, Refuge, and Hope, features wisdom from a team of counselors and abuse experts who work with both victims and perpetrators of abuse. Contributors to the book include Beth Broom, Kirsten Christianson, Joy Forrest, Chris Moles, Darby Strickland, and Greg Wilson.

Impression Management and a Review of Wade Mullen’s “Something’s Not Right”

In Wade Mullen’s Book, Something is Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse and Freeing Yourself From Its Power, he talks about how impression management is a tool of abusers who use their power for their own gain. Abuse almost always comes in a system that prevents it from being dealt with, especially where the abuser is in what Mullen describes as a “keystone” role, where a key personality holds the community together.

A Review of “Is it Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims” by Darby Strickland

I have been benefiting recently from Darby Strickland’s book, Is it Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims. In the book she challenges Christians and the church to be a refuge for the abused, a place where they can find help and get wise counsel. She cites Psalm 82:3-4, “Give justice… Read More »