Random Thoughts on Life

By | April 27, 2006

Here’s a trajedy of unspeakable proportions… gender problems in China.

This look interesting… America by Religions and Denominations.

I wonder if I can use my law degree to start up Christian schools and churches. There are so many areas where ministries need legal counsel: By-laws and constitutions, property, taxes, etc… I am also very interested in Christian counseling and education. I hope I don’t have too many interests. Well rounded? Or too many dull knives? Would I be able to multi-task and work from home?

As I think of all of the career possibilities, I need to remember God’s goodness. I’d like to have a family soon, but how can I, if I go to school forever? But with God, all things are possible.

Maybe this book, Faithful God, would remind me of God’s care of his own. I envy the Dean of my law school, who is resigning and taking some time off, now that my law school now has provisional ABA approval. He has stated that the 27 books he ordered is on its way.