Jayne Clark – Every Single Family Member (#CCEF17 Main Session 3)

By | October 14, 2017

Jayne Clark gave an encouraging message on how we should view singleness.  Singleness is a universal experience and how we view singleness is important because it effects how we treat singles.  Being single does not mean that you are broken because you are single.  That is a lie that has done a lot of damage.  We are all broken because of sin.  And Jesus, who was single, was perfect in his humanity and deity.

As a single lady, Jayne gave us a glimpse of her experience of relying on God’s grace for the hardship of singleness.  Jayne explained how Psalm 139 was a great comfort to her.  “I was blown away to find something so personal and intimate in scripture.”  David knows the Lord is sovereign and holy.  God is the sovereign, holy, all present Creator, which makes it more outstanding that He calls us to relationship with Him in a personal way.

Every thing that we do, say, or even think, the Lord already knows.  “The Lord knows us better than we know ourselves.”  We are known and we are also connected.  Singles are a part of God’s plan.  “His works are wonderful and that includes us.”

Singles have wonderful opportunities.  “For one thing, it has prompted me to cultivate companionship with the Lord.”  It is a sweet companionship to talk with the Lord and commune with him.  “I am known and cared for by the Lord of the universe.  I am never alone.”

Jayne explains that embracing the blessing of singleness has increased her desire to align her heart with God’s heart.  Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.  That verse rings true because God changes our desires more and more to his desires.

Being single does not mean that you are incomplete.  As Christians, we are complete in Christ and made whole in him individually.  Singles are united to Christ and are complete in Him.

The Lord has blessed Jayne in unexpected ways with her church family.  She is a sister in Christ to many sisters.  She is a spiritual mom to more people than she can keep up with.  She has learned to embrace the blessing of singleness.

It was sweet to hear of Jayne’s heightened anticipation in seeing Jesus Christ return, when she can see her bride groom face to face.  “Perhaps the greatest lesson for me of living single is knowing that I, who belong to Him, will see my bridegroom face to face, our bridegroom.”  May this be our prayer as well, whatever our current estate.  Come quickly Lord Jesus!

<< View the other CCEF17 main session summaries here. >>