The Lawyer in John Piper?

By | September 11, 2005

As I was reading “What’s the Difference,” a book about Biblical manhood and womanhood, I noticed that John Piper is very careful with his diction.

For example, take a look at his definition of masculinity:

“At the heart of mature masculinity is a sense of benevolent responsibility to lead, provide for and protect women in ways appropriate to a man’s differing relationships.”

Lawyers know that word choice is very important. Meanings of words and phrases can be hotly contested and unpacked. Piper explains that “at the heart of… ” means that the definition is not exhaustive but in general. He then goes on to explain “a sense of” and each phrase of his definition. Piper shows great care at handling God’s word and theological issues. I hope that law school will indirectly make me a better reader of God’s word and a better exegete.