Does going to a Christian college (Grove City College) make you too sheltered?

By | January 30, 2005

My experiences:
My campus is not heaven. You will find atheists and agnostics on my campus. FRAT life is alive and well in GCC. There are those who don’t care about God and thus, don’t obey college rules. Case in point: my laptop got stolen last semester. Sin is a universal problem that just won’t go away until Christ returns.

I do not have stories to tell you about finding alcohol and promiscious items in my bathroom. I know this is common place in many party schools. If I am sheltered from temptations to sin, Praise the Lord! I know how tempting sin is, so why place myself in situations where it is easy to sin? Christians should not be “of” the world.

The GCC religion department and most professors believe the Bible to be infallible, and believe that the Bible is the truth, that man is in need of a Savior, and that Jesus Christ is the way to salvation. While I am taught the Christian worldview, I am not unexposed to the other worldviews. I am taught about other worldviews, such as secularism, humanism, existentialism, and nihilism. In many secular universities, only what the teacher believes is taught. (At the same time, not all my professors are solid Christians. You’ll hear some pretty wierd stuff from GCC professors.)

I involve myself with the world. My college has a ministry to troubled youth. These teens are tough guys. Last year, an administrative worker was killed by the teens. Am I in a Christian bubble? No, I am definitely “in” this world. I am not a monk!

Call me sheltered if you wish, but I think my current state, whatever you call it is a great thing. I’m being prepared to defend the truth and demolish strongholds.

One thought on “Does going to a Christian college (Grove City College) make you too sheltered?

  1. robbie

    i thought this place was a preppy little Christian college – come here and dang did i learn otherwise. I am thankful for the positions that the Bible Profs do indeed have. You also have professors that believe in universalism, ones that are rather liberal (pro choice) and so on. This college is definately not perfect.

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