Moot Court

By | March 29, 2006

Today we had to argue our case before three judges in a mock court. I think I did pretty well. In hindsight, there was one question I could have answered more fully. (I could have shared a case in Virginia which stated that a general knowledge of conditions wouldn’t establish contributory negligence as a matter of law.) My answer wasn’t bad though. I remembered that case after I took my seat. =)

Also, I may have paused a little too long on that question. The judge caught me off guard by asking me that question really early. I was expecting the court to let me lay out my road map first before giving me a question. I think I recovered after that. I criticized the defendant’s attorney for using two cases that were very distinguishable and presented the arguments for the plaintiff’s case.

Each person is given 12 minutes to present their side, but since I concluded my argument and the court had no more questions, I sat down with maybe a minute to spare. The court tried to grill me like the rest of the counsel, but my position was quite easy to defend. I’m thankful I had to be an advocate for the plaintiff. Not to sound like a masochist, but honestly, the experience was quite fun.

One thought on “Moot Court

  1. Uncle BB

    Hi Pj,
    Sounds fun!!!!
    But also sounds very stressful!!

    I could never be a lawyer….you really have to have a great memory…being able to remember lots of detail and have a working knowledge of cases in past history!!

    And must be able to think on your toes!!

    May God give you strength!!!

    Uncle BB

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