My Life in Christ at Lynchburg

By | September 10, 2006

Lately, my posts have been dominated by spiritual reflections. So I thought I’d give you all an update on my life. I know how uninteresting it is to read posts dominated by a blogger’s thoughts on personal and mundane activities. But as Christians, we know that life is a gift from God, and we can praise God for the trivial excitements of life. We live life together and our human experiences bond us together. So I hope you’ll find the following “ramblings” somewhat interesting. Or at least you’ll know how to pray for me.

I started my trip back down to Lynchburg on August 16th. On the way back, I stopped by my friend’s place in NJ. It is exciting to see what the Lord is doing. My friends are discerning God’s calling on their lives… one is starting seminary, another medical school, others are beginning their careers, another is pursuing his doctorate. A bunch are still single, while some are getting into godly relationships. It is comforting to know that our sovereign God is watching over each of His own as they desire to be salt and light in this world. Strangely enough, hearing the tough situations my friends face reminded me that I should be thankful for my many blessings. I hope I encouraged my friends to rejoice in trials. God will meet every need of ours through Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:19)

My trials are really insignificant. And even if they were significant, I should be joyful! My 2nd year of law school has started. I’m taking Constitutional Law, Evidence, Criminal Law, Taxation for Individuals, and Lawyering Skills. The material is very interesting… but sometimes the amount that is covered makes it more painful and gruesome.

I really enjoy the weekends, so I’m working on my weekday “class” attitude. It’s hard to remember that I must study for the glory of God. I would prefer to sit under an apple tree and be innovative than to read about what others have already discovered. But I suppose there’s no point in reinventing the wheel. I need to work on time management: on doing both “work and leisure” on any given day. Otherwise my brain will overload from cramming and I’ll begin to have a bad attitude about doing the work.

In my spare time, I enjoy basketball and hanging out with friends. I’ve been trying to get to know my roommates better. I’ve been reminded that relationships play a vital role in the Christian life. I’m glad that I’m not in this race by myself. For all those interested, a group of us will be doing a Bible Study on Fridays. I’ve recruited about 12 or so to join in. Please pray for me to be a good leader. Soli Deo Gloria.

Mosquito bites and a sprained ankle have reminded me that this world is not my home. (I sprained my ankle by doing a layup and landing on a basketball that someone left at the out of bounce line, right under the hoop.)

Yesterday, I cut my own hair for the first time. I used a mirror. I’m proud of this accomplishment! =)

One thought on “My Life in Christ at Lynchburg

  1. josh

    Say Peter, I was admiring the photos on your blog, when it suddenly struck me that I know you. Where were those photos taken?

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