Technology Woes

By | April 12, 2006

Email is an important means of communication. It has helped me to keep in touch with friends, set appointments, and be informed of the news. But I have gotten to the point of being overwhelmed by email! It is simply too time consuming to read all my email! I have a love/hate relationship with technology. I love my cell phone and computer and depend on it… but at the same time, it can easily become a distraction, keeping me from doing my work. (The blame falls on myself too.)

The benefit of technology is being called into debate. As this article points out, workers seem to be working more but accomplishing less. Christians would do well to consider whether they are too dependent on technology and how they are spending their time. In small but substantial ways, technology can creep into our lives and demand too much of us. Americans are married to their Televisions. It seems like we need noise and distractions just to feel comfortable.

Christians are called to be countercultural. But I am afraid we are just like the rest. We have lost the art of meditation and self-reflection. Will you consider taking some steps to lesson technology’s power on you? When was the last time you drove in the car without the radio or music on? It is important to reflect on your life and your relationships. Silence is the peaceful environment where you can be still and know that God is God. Fight technology’s addictive power and strengthen your dependency on Christ!