Fellowship at Fairfax

By | June 4, 2004

The college caregroup of Fairfax Covenant Church is extremely friendly. I’m trying to recall some of their names: Becca, Peter, John, Jacob, James, Kristin, …… way too many to remember. Worship songs we sang: Take My Life, Your Great Renown, Crown Him with Many Crowns. The caregroup is a great place for fellowship, prayer, and accountability. By their fruit (friendliness), I can tell they are close to God. The youth know God’s word well and have a hunger for the preached word. A sign of a godly people – (Watson’s book)

Interesting facts of the night:
– Jeff Fox, friend from GCC whom attends FCC (and whom I cliff jumped with) promises to be there next Friday.
– Pastor David Farley is older brother of Joe. (Engineering Grad of 2004 from GCC)
– I sat in Jacob’s Mercedes and went for a spin…. very nice car.

They talked about two messages from their Celebration Conference last Memorial Day weekend.

First, Isaiah 53. Crushed and humbled.

Second, Mark Dever’s message on Revelation (Four main points)
1. Throne- Lord of all, King, Ruler – Rev 4:11

2. Storm – judgment certain, final, horrifying, right and just – Rev 11:18

Practically speaking, remember the judgment-
The Balanced Christian Life!
a) gratitude of what we are saved from – REJOICE!(Phil 4:4)
b) “work out your salvation with FEAR AND TREMBLING” – call to progressive sanctification (Phil 2:12)

3. Lamb on the throne
Jesus comes back with right to judge, after being on the cross.

4. City – Rev 21, 22
This produces joy. Back to the goodness proclaimed in Genesis 1.