Evening Service at Hillcrest

By | December 12, 2004

Here are Andy Stapleton’s notes. I forgot to bring my pen.

Matthew 1:1-17 Pastor Hughes

It was important for Jews to have a lineage to define their identity, an authentic member of the community. 14-14-14

Focus on v5. This verse shows us a sneak preview of what Christ’s Kingdom will be like.

1. Unexpected members– Rahab was a Canaanite + a harlot but she believed in God’s power and sovereignty (Josh 2:8ff). Ruth was a Moabitess (Ruth 1:16f) but also understood the character of God. We are unepected members. We all as sinners shoul welcome other unexpected people into the church.

2. The kingdom of God is all of grace. God comes to you, calls you, teaches you and transforms you.

3. It’s a sacrificial lifestyle. – It’s not a “no work, all benefits” lfestyle, but one where we need to make sacrifices – Rahab had to sacrifice her city for her trust in God and put her life in danger. Ruth also had to abandon her homeland and humiliate herself in obedience to Naomi and to become Boaz’s wife. We are to be willing to be lowly servants for the glory of Christ’s Kingdom.

4. Exemplified by humility – after their great acts of obedience there are not great boastful statements about them, but they just went on as humble servants of God.

1. Christ is to be found everywhere in the BIble, even Rahab and Ruth- do we read the Bible as God’s true word which speaks Christ to us?
2. The heritage of grace was more important than the heritage of the flesh. Even siners are included in the Kingdom of grace.
3. Christ saves sinners, not the status quo.
4. Christ’s people are from all the nations and he is to be preached among them all.