Let’s Have Some Fun!

By | August 10, 2004

Many times I meet these Christians that aren’t very joyful. It shouldn’t be this way. A Christian should have the most fun in life.

Christians understand what true freedom is; freedom in Christ and freedom from sin. We can therefore enjoy the gifts God has given us. We can enjoy God’s creation by looking at the sky and standing in awe. We can enjoy our bodies by playing sports or eating food. I remember a quote from a friend’s profile. “All work and no play makes Pete a dull boy.” (Stick your name in there.)

Enjoying life helps cultivate a spirit of thankfulness and praise to God.

Anyone have any tips on how to enjoy life?

2 thoughts on “Let’s Have Some Fun!

  1. lil1der

    If we truly trust in God and believe that all things work together for good to those who love God, we will find joy in everything we do: work or play. Some people may consider a difficult situation an obstacle but for those who trust God it is a challenge for them to learn and absorb more life experience so that they can extend their growth forever more.
    Do remind ourselves often: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him” Romans 8:28

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