Together for the Gospel

By | September 4, 2005

On 8/22/05, Ligon Duncon’s blog posted the following:

Yesterday, C.J. Mahaney preached the worship services at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. In my opinion, that is a sign of good things quietly astir in the evangelical and Reformed community today – new networks of friendship, kinship in the truth and cooperation in ministry. And it’s something you wouldn’t have guessed twenty years ago.

Many evangelicals will recognize Grace Church as the congregation pastored by John MacArthur. Many will also know that John has been a strong critic of charismatic theology (how many printings and editions has Charismatic Chaos gone through?), and that C.J. is leader of a family of churches that is both Reformed and charismatic. So what’s up? Is John going soft on his positions? No, not at all.

Church leaders are beginning to notice that cooperation is beneficial to the gospel of Christ. While child baptism, cession of tongues, and church structure frequently divide the church, they should not hinder the gospel message. There are essentials to the Christian faith, like justification by faith. Let us preach these all the more diligently, trusting that once people are converted, the Spirit will lead them in truth.

One example of this cooperation can be seen by the upcoming “Together for the Gospel” conference. The website is The conference will feature speakers like Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, C.J. Mahaney, Albert Mohler, John MacArthur, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul. If you are a pastor that I know and you want to go, please contact me. I’d be glad to sponsor you.