When is Gossip Gossip?

By | September 10, 2004

I was wondering when is gossip gossip? Like some times, I’d be in a conversation and be like:

Me: Do you know XXXXX? You know, the kid who is really big and loud? Kind of annoying?

Or even when sharing a list of prayer requests, how do I know I’m permitted to share the request of another with someone else… Sometimes I should keep things to myself because they should be held confidential. But sometimes I really want others to help pray also because prayer is powerful. Maybe I just really care for the person. But do you always need to get a person’s permission before spreading the word? Like what if someone got hit by a car… obviously, you can let others know and get a prayer chain going. Or what if the person who your praying for might not want prayer and others to know of the problem.

Sometimes I ask, would I say this if the person were around? Is that a good test?

But then other times I wonder if it’s not gossip, simply because the statement is true.

Maybe I can ask if the comment was edifying to the hearers? Like if they won’t pray for it, don’t tell them. Or maybe I need to evaluate a combination of those questions and there is no hard line easy answer?

Can a comment of mine be considered gossip if my motives were not to gossip?