Back to School!

By | August 29, 2004

I’m in school now. My parents dropped me off Saturday night. Before they left we went to Perkins to eat, then we prayed. They got home at 4:15 A.M. Thanks to my parents and Jaron for helping me unpack.

Today at the OPC, there were two freshmen guys (Isaac and Duncan) who showed up. They were smart; they skipped the special Freshman service at the chapel. Pastor Everett DeVelde preached on 1 Peter 2:13 – 3:7. It was cool because just a few weeks ago, we did 1 Peter 1 in our college cell group back home in NY. Also, the passage in 1 Peter 3 was a passage in one of the articles I borrowed for my last newsletter. (God always does something like that, the same passage or idea coming up again and again.)

I went to eat at MAP with Isaac. It’s cool seeing some of the “younger folk.” I had to pay $5 for bon appetite because my card will only work starting tomorrow. I wonder what I can do for dinner!