Mohler on Family Matters

By | May 17, 2006

My baptist friend, Al Mohler is a wonderful man. In this post, he talks about the importance of eating family meals together. This world is fast-paced and we may be tempted to become engaged in our own little sphere. It is sad that families don’t consider it important to eat supper together. Mohler explains that meal time is an essential time to fellowship and catch up on each other’s lives. Let’s encourage our families to eat often as a family unit.

On Mohler’s radio program last week, he talked about birth control and wrong ideas about children. He doesn’t buy into the Roman Catholic view that everytime a married couple has sex, they must be open to the gift of children, or else they should abstain from sex completely. At the same time, he warns against the world’s view that children are a nuisance, to be seen as an intrusion into marriage. He believes sustained use of birth control without prayer and justification is harmful to the marriage. (When he talks about methods of birth control and family planning, he is not talking about abortive methods, which are clearly wrong.) Mohler talks quickly and will keep your attention. He outlines the broader Biblical principles for practical application, rather than dwelling on the exceptional cases. I recommend that you check out the program here. (The birth control part starts 11 minutes into the program.)