On Tuesday I went to Lancaster, Saw Ruth

By | July 1, 2005

My dad had a business trip to do, so my mom and I followed him to Lancaster. We saw a Christian play: Ruth. The play was decent; pretty dramatic… although there was some creative license used. For example, they made Ruth come from a Moabite temple where she served.

Despite this, the play helped to portray certain Christian themes. Think of all those grafted into Israel. Ruth bore Obed, the father of Jesse, the father of David. Ruth was an ancestor of Jesus Christ. God accepts Gentiles who seek him. They become the new Israel. Romans 2:29 says that “a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter.”

It was interesting to see Boaz as a kinsman-redeemer. Marriage and children were very valued. Do you think that this story implies the goodness of marriage as a tool in our redemption and sanctification?