The Terrorists Do Not Know God (at least as they ought)

By | July 7, 2005

Today, there were several bombings in London, killing at least 37. Al Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Proverbs 8:36 says that “all who hate me (God) love death.”

George Bush is correct in pointing out the evil in the heart of the terrorist. The terrorists do not know God, at least, not as they ought. And the way to know God is to know Christ.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” – Jesus in John 10:10.

In this culture of death, Christians need to uphold the sanctity of life. This means proclaiming that true freedom comes through the gospel. Jesus came that we may have life. Those who do not know God need to be told that they are not really living life fully, but rather in bondage to sin. This message needs to be proclaimed to all people; the terrorists, the pornographers, the abortionists, and our neighbors.