The Sovereignty of God… even in Basketball

By | March 2, 2006

Tonight, we lost our basketball game, 50 to 47. If we “would have” won, we would have beaten an undefeated team. I wanted to win so badly! It’s in times like these that I need to remind myself that God is in complete control– what happened was God’s will. I can be sad that I didn’t win and analyze how to improve, but I shouldn’t let regret and after-thoughts of the game cloud my studying for the rest of the night. We can trust and accept God’s plan for our lives. (Romans 8:28) God is sovereign over nations and peoples. How much more then is He in complete control over the little events of my life.

I often use the phrase “if only I would have.” If only I had done this or that. When I use that phrase, I need to remind myself that God was and is in control. I can learn from my past to redeem time in the future. (Eph 5:16) But reflection that immobilizes has got to go.