
By | August 12, 2004

I stayed home from work today because my wisdom teeth were removed yesterday. The extra sleep was nice. I spent the day relaxing, doing some school work, and some organizational filing.

I added sound to and uploaded some pics of my dad’s pet turtles onto

6:30 p.m. – I played some basketball. It gets funner to play as I perfect my lefties as well as my righties. (In other words, it’s funner when your good… not to say that I’m good…. I can still improve alot.) Hm… I should really try to share the gospel with some of the guys at the park. I see them so often. It really is a mission field.

I only read part 1 of the book, Boy Meets Girl. But now, I’m reading part two of the book. I’m no longer a kid.

I’m looking for material for the next newsletter. I try to send it out once a month, and it’s that time again.