We are Romantics

By | November 20, 2005

In “I Kissed Dating Goodbye,” Joshua Harris criticizes the selfish, unwise, and unbiblical nature of worldly dating. (He defines worldly dating as dating that is characterized by a high level of physical intimacy, no boundaries, and a low commitment level in pursuing marriage.) In contrast, the Bible explains that the joy of intimacy is the reward of the marriage vow commitment.

But here is a shocker for many! When Christians say no to worldly dating, in general, they will be likely to get married sooner rather than later. If a man does not seek the satisfaction of his desires through physical intimacy outside of marriage, he will be encouraged to get serious about marriage. Biblical dating doesn’t play around. It seeks to answer the question: Does God want us to get married?

So it is not that Christians oppose physical intimacy… On the contrary, we recognize that true oneness can and should only come in marriage.

I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
that you not stir up or awaken love
until it pleases.
– Song of Solomon 8:4

2 thoughts on “We are Romantics

  1. Tim

    Someone on those New Attitude talks (Al Mohler?) said if we’re not gifted with chastity, we should be getting married. I think he had good points.

  2. PjLguy

    Yepperz. A good man, Al.

    If anyone wants to hear the New Attitude 2004 conference audio, let me know.

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