Fighting a Cold

By | July 16, 2004

What do to when you feel clogged up in the nose:
– Drink lots of water…
– Eat vitamin C (or lemons)
– Gargle with salt water, then suck salt water up your nose until it drips down your throat
– Take nasal decongestant medicine so that you do not develop a bad cough
– Swing your arms up and down 100 x (this looks pretty silly) to increase circulation in the lymph nodes.
– Try to get some sleep

I always run into people that ask, �Are you happy?� then state �As long as you are happy�… or �Do whatever floats your boat.� They talk about happiness as if it were the chief end of man. It seems that they are hedonists themselves, still searching for pleasure and satisfaction. I do not believe they will find lasting happiness in the things of this world. The world is looking for a solution to their incompleteness.

One thought on “Fighting a Cold

  1. Amy

    Eat more lemons.

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