Academics for Christ

By | April 22, 2006

I have a great respect for men like Wayne Grudem and Al Mohler. (I’m sure many more deserve to be on the list. For example: MacArthur, Duncan, Sproul, Piper, professors and pastors who shepherd me…) These men are scholars of the first rate. Intellectuals for Christ.

In listening to one of Grudem’s sermons, what struck me about his research into a particular Greek word was that he was driven by a motivation to apply scripture faithfully and to live rightly before God. His particular findings had practical implications for proper Christian living. Similarly, Al Mohler did a great job in developing a countercultural thesis and presenting a Christian worldview to young men.

Kris Lundgaard, in The Enemy Within, comments on the study of scripture:

Never let it be your goal to search the Scriptures to find a new insight to tickle your hunger for learning or to have something neat to share with your small group. And never study and pray without God’s help. He is the one who revealed his truth, and only he can enlighten your mind to know it. … Ask him to open his mind and will to you, so that you may know him and love him more. He delights to do it. – p.72

Although Kris was talking about scripture, the same principle can be applied to academia in general. Nuclear physics, biochemistry, contract law, and abstract algebra are not definitive guides to life and godliness like Scripture is. But we can study them to bring every thought captive to Christ and to know God more fully. We don’t study those subjects simply to have more head knowledge. We study them to bring God glory and praise.

May we remember that what we study has a purpose. Whatever you do, do all for the glory of God.